Thursday, April 12, 2012

magento login to admin from frontend error:404 error page not found

I was trying to login to admin panel by using frontend login template.
Here is my form whose action post to admin login action.

<form action="" method="post" id="customer-form">

I changed the action to :


and BINGO:
no error on login.(Did you noticed the double admin words in the action value?)
If you request, then i can explain and provide code in details how i manage to login from frontend using vendor credentials, and after logout redirected to the frontend in case the vendor is logged in from frontend.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'm trying to login to admin panel from frontend. And found your blog with a solution. Can you provide details how do you did it?
    I tried to ask in magento Foruns.... but nothing worked.

